Monday 18 August 2014

Make everyday a holiday...

Have you ever said to yourself or others, "I sooo need a holiday"? I know I have and I still do but why should we wait for a holiday to do all the things we 'need' when we say this! We can incorporate little things into our daily life to make things easier, so then, the only reason we go on holiday is to see places we want to see and experience things we want to experience in certain places. 

For example if you keep yourself so busy, the main thing you crave on a holiday is most likely a total relaxation fest, where you can just switch off and do next to nothing. Well how about you incorporate 20 mins of meditation or down time into your day where you do just that. I can guarantee by doing this you will feel less of a need for that type of holiday...
Whether you like the mountains, lakes, or the beach, make time to go there on your days off, take mini breaks away.

It's like working your best years to the bone in a job you can't stand so you can enjoy a retirement when your older. What if you were doing what you loved everyday of your life right now, would you want to retire then? I remember talking to someone who is loving what they do every day, this person takes mini retirements while they're still young enough to enjoy it and they just continue doing what they love....

Just a little something to think about;-)

Have an Empowered Week:-)

Much Love & Gratitude

Monday 11 August 2014

Keep the faith :-)

There are a few things happening in my life at the moment, which are requiring me to keep the faith. I know certain things happen and it sometimes makes it hard to do so but having total trust and faith in whatever happens is the key. 
Faith will change conditions for you....Doubts and fears impress negative pictures on the mind and bring lack, limitation or disaster.

In the word of Florence Scovel Shinn, "The experiences you meet in life are your own creations. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, "A man's life is the history of his fears." Why not make it the history of your faith so someday you can say,"This is the health that faith built! This is the wealth that faith built! This is the success and happiness that faith built!" 

Faith is simply knowing that it can happen, that things can be done. Every unpleasant condition in your life is the result of a lack of faith. Follow your intuition and prepare for all the great things you've asked for, regardless of what else is going on around you.

Move with certainty and be sure of yourself. Only fear can hold you back, when you know there's no such thing as a wrong decision, you will trust yourself quite happily. Let go, allow and flow, you never know you might just enjoy it :-)

Have an Empowered and Faithful Week :-)

Much Love & Gratitude

Monday 4 August 2014

Keep it Simple!

Do you ever get to the stage where you have just too much going on? You feel like your head is about to explode? It seems like you never get any time to yourself?

Simplify your life, by simplifying your goals. UnClutter your life. Surround yourself with the ease of straightforward living and being.
No mountains out of molehills needed here. Just tell it like it is!
Be sincere and clear in your dealings with people and you will be rewarded with trust, recognition and honour.

Simplify Your Goals - Reduce the number of goals you are intentionally striving for in your life to one or two. By reducing the number of goals that you are striving for, you will improve your focus and your success rate. Make a list of the things you want to make happen in your life and choose the two most important. When you finish one, you can add another to your list.

Stop Multi Tasking - Multi-tasking increases stress and lowers productivity. Just do one job at a time and do it brilliant. When you've finished that then move on to the next one :-)

Time Commitments - Most of us have totally full days with all sorts of things crammed in, work, home, kid's activities, community events, hobbies, more work, get the idea... When possible, release yourself from doing the things that are not in line with your highest values.

Simplify your Mind - Negative emotions are completely useless. They serve nothing and have never improved the quality of life for anyone. Take responsibility for your mind. Forgive past hurts and replace negative thoughts with positive ones :-)

Simply your Food - So much food is packaged and processed and full of artificial ingredients. Avoid trans fats, refined grain (white bread), high-fructose corn syrup, and too much sodium. Minimising these ingredients will improve your energy level in the short-term and your health in the long-term. Do yourself a favour and keep to fresh and whole foods as much as possible.

Minimise your media time - Television, Movies, Video games and technology affect your life more than you think. It rearranges your values and dominates your life, having an impact on your attitude and outlook. The only way to fully appreciate its influence in your life is to turn them off.

Simplify your money - If debt is holding you captive, reduce it. Start today. Do what you have to do to get out from under it's weight. Get help if you need to. The sooner you get it sorted, the sooner you can be free.

Say what you mean - Use less words. Keep what you have to say plain and honest. Mean what you say and avoid gossip.

Monday 28 July 2014

Food for Thought

Have you ever looked on the food packets you buy to see exactly what your eating? Can you even pronounce some of those words, never mind know what they actually are?!

The truth is, if you want to be healthy, and especially if you want to lose weight, you really need to stop eating processed and packaged foods. 
If you're eating fresh and whole foods (basically the kind which don't need a label) you won't need to count calories or anything like that. Your body recognises this as food and will digest it accordingly. The problem with processed and packaged foods is that half of these so called ingredients are unrecognisable to your internal systems and therefore will go straight to your fat stores and just keep getting bigger.
This is why many western countries today have around 38% of their population as obese because they don't know any better. People think by buying, low fat and so called 'healthy' packaged meals they are eating healthy, when in fact there is probably no nutritional value at all in these ready-made meals.

Do yourself and your body a favour and keep it fresh....It tastes so much better anyway and your body will thank you for it.

If your interested on reading more on the subject check out the links for thought, most definitely :-)

Education is the key.

Have a Healthy and Empowered Week

Much Love & Gratitude

Monday 21 July 2014

Need a Hug?!

Now, a few years ago, I definitely was never one for hugs, especially with people I hardly know, but I found with different circles I've hung out in many people think nothing to a casual hug and kiss on the cheek just as a way to say hello or goodbye.

These days however I think they are awesome and I recommend everyone to have at least one decent hug a day,preferably more, whether its with a friend, family member or total stranger that is completely up to you. Not only is hugging a powerful form of healing, but it is effective at healing sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress. Here are a few other benefits that hugging can do for you...

1. Gives you a Sense of Safety 
2. Boosts oxytocin levels - heals feelings of loneliness, isolation and anger.
3. Elevates your mood
4. Strengthens your Immune System.
5. Boosts Self Esteem 
6. Releases tension
7. Helps you be more present in the moment

I don't know if you have ever heard the following statement made by a respected family therapist called Virginia Satir, but I find it quite interesting...She said “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” 
How many hugs do you currently have each day?? I would guess most of us are barely surviving. I don't know about you but I'm aiming for 8 or more. Grab the opportunity when you can, I highly recommend a good hug :-)

Have an empowered and hug filled week:-)

Much Love & Gratitude

Monday 14 July 2014

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Did you ever get an idea that you get all fired up over only to wonder whatever happened to it??

I would guess that it was brilliant and would have turned out awesome but you got caught up in everyday life and other commitments and it didn't fully materialise into what you wanted.

I can put my hand up and say I've had many of those! The trick is of course to keep your eye on the ball. Keep your idea somewhere where it will stay at the front of your mind, even while you are doing your everyday chores and commitments.

Different ways to do this of course are:

Visualise it - Morning, Evening or both. It only takes 5 minutes or less if you're really good at it. I'm not so much a visual person as I am kinetic so when I do this I concentrate on how I know its going to make me feel.

Journal it - Keep a notebook or journal with you and whenever you get that spark of inspiration write it down or draw it.

Make a Vision board - You can do this on specific things or general, but have fun with it and then put it up somewhere you will see it often.

Create Action Steps - Even if they are the tiniest little baby steps, keep taking those action steps to make it happen. A little step towards your dream or idea is better than no steps at all, don't you think?

Hire a Coach - A coach will keep you on track and focused on your ideas and goals, keeping you motivated and empowered to make them happen.

I have some great packages available to help you start creating and living your dreams. You can help yourself to a little browse if you CLICK HERE.

Hope you have an Empowered Week :-)

Much Love & Gratitude

Monday 7 July 2014

Do you follow your Passion?

I used to think having passion for something was this big over dramatised thing that you often see on TV, where people get over excited or the opposite and start crying because they're so emotionally moved by something. 

It doesn't have to be like this, having passion for something can be as simple as really loving what you are doing and that's what I'm all about.
You should never have to do something you don't like doing! Unfortunately most of us are bullied into it and the saddest thing about that, we are 'bullied' by our friends, family and loved ones.
Do any of these sound familiar....."You need to work full time so you can support your family." "It's all very well having your dreams but you need to get realistic."" We have bills to pay."
The fact is you can do this, and work all kinds of hours to support your loved ones but then where is the quality time you spend with them, often your too tired and just want to relax on the time you do get of, so the time you do have is far from quality. 

Now I'm certainly not saying quit your job and abstain from any responsibility, but I am asking you to imagine what would your life be like, if you were doing something you truly loved to do and even get paid for it.
When you're happier, the people around you will be and when you're doing what you love, you'll find less problems and more to be grateful for, ultimately living a more fulfilled life.

One of the biggest questions we, as human beings ask ourselves, is "Why are we here?" To me it's not so much about the destination as the journey. I think ultimately, we are here to learn. I'm not talking about the school and educational learning. I'm talking about learning, how to be our true authentic self. This is how we come into this world but it is taken away with limitations and expectations put on to us from our parents, friends our school teachers our jobs, the government and that basically comes down to a control thing, but all of this as we are growing up takes us further and further away from our true selves. We fit in to society because that is what's expected.

What is one thing that you really love to do? What brings you joy? Is there something you have always wanted to try and have never got round to it?
This week find one thing you love doing or have always wanted to try and do it. It could be taking a dance class, a cooking class, it could be taking a nice candle lit bath or spending a few hours in nature. Give yourself this gift. You deserve it :-)

Have an Empowered and Joyful Week

Much Love & Gratitude