Many people dwell on the meaning of
their dreams. On the other hand, there are those who do not dream
very regularly. There is also the category of people who dream, but
forget what they dreamed of the instant the wake up.
Dreams may have subliminal meanings
because they are representations of your brain activity while you are
not actively thinking. They do not follow a train of thought or logic
due to your body processes being slowed and rested at that point.
This may mean that they are gateways to the subconscious.
However, there are also theories that
dreams affect people when they are in the most disturbed, or close to
wakeful, state of sleep – the REM cycle. At this point, a person
may dream of anything that has affected their conscious mind through
the course of time, as well. For example, children who are
under-prepared for exams may have dreams about the next day’s
Whether they have a positive or
negative dream, however, could possibly bring out some interesting
understandings of the human psyche. It could even indicate that a
person is inherently positive or not. It could also be indicative of
the fact that people are greatly affected by their surroundings, and
in that moment of affect (prolonged mood), their mind chose to show
them pleasant or unpleasant dreams.
From a practical approach, it is best
not to worry too much about what you dream of or try to read into
them too much. They may just be an indication of your overall
mood-state, something you can easily change if need be.