Monday, 24 February 2014

The Meaning of Dreams

Many people dwell on the meaning of their dreams. On the other hand, there are those who do not dream very regularly. There is also the category of people who dream, but forget what they dreamed of the instant the wake up.

Dreams may have subliminal meanings because they are representations of your brain activity while you are not actively thinking. They do not follow a train of thought or logic due to your body processes being slowed and rested at that point. This may mean that they are gateways to the subconscious.

However, there are also theories that dreams affect people when they are in the most disturbed, or close to wakeful, state of sleep – the REM cycle. At this point, a person may dream of anything that has affected their conscious mind through the course of time, as well. For example, children who are under-prepared for exams may have dreams about the next day’s paper.

Whether they have a positive or negative dream, however, could possibly bring out some interesting understandings of the human psyche. It could even indicate that a person is inherently positive or not. It could also be indicative of the fact that people are greatly affected by their surroundings, and in that moment of affect (prolonged mood), their mind chose to show them pleasant or unpleasant dreams.

From a practical approach, it is best not to worry too much about what you dream of or try to read into them too much. They may just be an indication of your overall mood-state, something you can easily change if need be.  

Monday, 17 February 2014

Concentrating on Positive Stimuli for Better Living

The environment is filled with various stimuli. Even inanimate objects obtain an emotional reaction from us because we have a habit of associating everything we experience, with our past occurrences involving similar objects and people. For the same reason, it is important to actively look out for positive stimuli so as to elicit a positive emotional response, and thereby, improve our day.

Surprisingly, it is often the few striking features of our physical environment about which we have good memories. Yet we tend to take them for granted. Take the sun, for instance. If you have a cherished memory where you sat and watched the sunrise with your family or friends and found peace for a few moments, try and achieve that sensation each time you step out of the house. Exposure to the sun will immediately bring out a peaceful feeling within you because of this association, and you will feel significantly better than you already do.

It is important to have a positive outlook through the course of the day because negative emotions tend to cloud the mind. Furthermore, a bad mood spreads fairly quickly, and you will only regret that the cause of another person’s foul mood could have been you. Another excellent technique is to smile politely at anyone who might pass you by and make eye contact. Bringing out joy in other people is quite rewarding in its own manner. Consider doing one small good deed a day if possible. Soon, nothing will be able to bring you down in the dumps. 

Friday, 14 February 2014

Empowering the Women of the World

In all honesty, men and women are not born equals. Each gender has a set of qualities and mannerisms that differ from the other. This may be seen in the form of physical strength, mental capabilities, emotional quotient and the acquisition of particular skills. However, ‘unequal’ in this sense, is just a way of saying ‘different’. It does not establish the superiority of one sex over the other.

Unfortunately, there are a number of women around the world who are underprivileged. They are born in societies that see the male as the better endowed being among the two. Although many of us do not notice these mishaps because we are safe in better places, it is important to empower those who are not as lucky as us. Once again, this responsibility is  of all people who know better; and not just womankind.

The idea that women are the weaker of the species is deep-seeded. Perhaps it arises from the time of cavemen, when social roles and responsibilities determined who the caretaker was and who the breadwinner was. If we continue to live in that era, we will hardly be able to say with pride that humans are the more evolved species.

It is important to destroy this construct by eliminating the idea of it. Constantly maintaining that women are underhanded will only create a world where people grow up believing that this is true. Instead, children who grow up in an environment that has never spoken about gender bias will grow up to see it as something alien. We must work on change through the next generation, not just the present one.  

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Dealing with Ghosts of the Past

Why does the past intimidate people? Why do harsh events continue to affect a person’s way of life? Is there a way to continue with a healthy life without having to reflect on what is already dealt with?

Yes, there definitely is a way to get rid of such thoughts. If you ask yourself if you can get over with what is already dealt with, you must also ask yourself if the situation has really been resolved or not. Guilt and shame are the two major feelings that play a part in determining whether you felt guilty or ashamed by any past incident. If you still feel the same way, then you must work to resolve the matter, otherwise it will continue to haunt you.

Take the example of a child who has scored poor grades in the exams. If the marks were called out in the school in front of everybody, the child may become upset for a while. However, this situation is particularly dangerous when you look at the future course for this youngster. Chronic depression could be a repercussion of such a situation, because the individual was made to feel guilty and ashamed.

Resolving the matter has to come from within. You have to work proactively at digging out the roots of the problematic situation and changing your self-image. Just facing the issue often gives you the confidence you need to forget about it. Once you have come to terms with something, it cannot hurt your pride.