Monday 30 June 2014

Your Body & The Benefits of Movement

How do you move your body? Our bodies were designed for movement, not to be sat behind a desk all day or being glued to a couch. The fact is in today's society it is very easy to get lazy. You drive to work, then you sit behind a desk all day and because it is such a long day all you want to do is collapse on the couch when you get home...Does that sound familiar? Ok so maybe not everyone sits behind a desk all day, you may be on your feet, which is why that couch is even more tempting. The fact is not everyone likes the gym... and thats ok because you don't have to go to the gym if it's not your thing. There are plenty of other ways to get your body moving. It's only excuses why you don't get moving, but today I'm going to let you in on a few benefits to keeping your body moving, even if its only 30 minutes a day. I'll also be letting you know a few of my favourite exercises (and least favourite) that you can do anywhere, so there are NO EXCUSES. 

So here are a few of the benefits to getting your body moving are:

It helps with Weight Control - Engaging in physical activity burns calories, the more intense the activity the more you burn.

Helps combat health conditions and diseases - By being active, this boosts high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This keeps your blood flowing smoothly, which decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Not just that, regular physical activity can help you prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns.

It improves your mood - Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals which improve your mood, helps you feel happier and more relaxed.

It gives you energy - However tired and lethargic you feel before exercising you can bet you feel 100 times better once you've actually done it. Something to do with it delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helping your cardiovascular system work more efficiently.

It promotes better sleep - Exercise is great for helping you get a good nights sleep just don't do it too close to going to sleep as you may be too energised.

It can put the spark back in to your sex life - Due to exercise giving you more energy and of course looking better, this can easily have a positive effect on your sex life, not only that but exercise can lead to enhanced arousal in both men and women. 

It's Fun  - I have a rule, if it's not fun don't do it. Choose exercise's, sports and activities you enjoy. If you do this it will never be a chore and you will find yourself looking forward to this part of your day.

Click HERE for a link to 20 great body weight exercises that you can do anywhere. This shows the basic exercise, however you can easily make alterations to up the intensity or lower the intensity depending on your fitness level.
My favourites are the burpee, switch lunges and frog jumps:-)

Have a Fit and Empowered Week:-)

Much Love & Gratitude

Monday 23 June 2014

Do you communicate well?

This week I decided to pull a card from my Gateway Oracle Deck by Denise Linn. The card is Communicating Freely - "I communicate from the depths of my being."

Are you being truthful, not just with yourself but with others?
I know sometimes we hold back on what we really want to say, because we fear people will, not like what we have to say, or take it the wrong way, or they may get upset.
Truthfully though, in the long run you will be doing more harm than good....For you to be happy and fulfilled in life you need to live in your truth, not someone else's. Say what you need to say and be authentic and you will be appreciated more for that. If someone still has issues with what you're saying, it's actually their own issues, of which they need to deal with. Once they've done that, if they truly care for you and want to be a part of your life, they'll come back.

I look around and see and talk to so many different people each day, who aren't living in their truth because of fear of what other people will do, say or think and these people are not's something they openly admit to.

Do you really think it's right to give up your happiness, your life for the sake of keeping others happy?! If these people truly loved you and wanted you to be happy, they would encourage you to follow your truth.
Everyone has something to share in this world, whether it's being the best mum you can be to your child, the best partner to your spouse, the best employee at your doesn't matter what it is, it is just as important as being an International Speaker or famous guru as long as you are being true to yourself.

Communication has the power to restore trust and mend lifelong wounds.Take a risk and speak from your soul with clarity and authenticity, even if it isn't easy for you to do. If you don't, all that is left unspoken becomes a burden.

Have an Empowered Week of Communicating Freely.

Much Love & Gratitude

Monday 16 June 2014

The Art of Non attachment

Many of us think the more we focus on something, the more likely we can make it happen. This is part right because we do need to stay focused on the goal we want to achieve, but if we focus too much and become attached to the outcome, this creates blocks and delays or stops it from happening.

The Art of Non Attachment is trusting that whatever it is you are wanting to create or manifest will happen in the right way. You don't need to know the details of how, just be aware of opportunities when they present themselves and take them.
Allow things to flow naturally and let go of any negative feelings that pop up due to being to attached, feelings like, fear, worry and doubt.

Through non-attachment you really can create and manifest anything you need. You just need to keep the faith, trust it will happen and take the opportunities when they are presented to you.

Have an Empowered Week of Non-Attachment:-)

Much Love & Gratitude

Monday 9 June 2014

Are you a Control Freak?!

Do you like to do everything yourself? This week is about letting you know you can still maintain control without doing everything yourself and burning yourself out.
I decided to choose a card for you this week from my Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid. The card I chose is 'The Horse King'.

The Horse King brings you the power to go the distance, whatever your circumstance. He also reminds you that you don't have to do everything on your own. Delegate to others so they can help you. You are in a position to make your dreams come true, but remain open to those that can help you. Let go of control and amazing things can happen.

Here are a few practical tips to help:

1 - Start slow, surrender a little control at a time. You don't have to do it all at once.

2 - Understand that people are different and although they may not do things the same way as you, their way could be just as effective and in some cases more so.

3 - Share. You don't have to feel like you'll be burdening people and the more you share your life with those closest to you, your relationships will improve.

4 - Trust, Set guidelines for how you want things done and trust that whoever you are giving that bit of control too will follow them. They will want you to trust them just as much as you want to trust them.

5 - Ask for Help, You really don't have to do it all yourself and more often than not people are really happy to help. It's one of the basic human needs to be able to contribute.

Have an Empowering Week :-)

Much Love & Gratitude

Monday 2 June 2014

Feeling Stuck?

Feeling stuck feeling usually comes from three main reasons. Either you don’t know what you want next in your life or career or you know what you want but have no idea how to go after it or you feel trapped. Sometimes you just feel stuck and aren’t sure why.
Everybody feels stuck from time to time. The question is, how do you get yourself out of that rut?!

The following things can help..

  • Do something constructive. This can be something as crappy as washing up the dishes, making your bed or clearing a pile of clutter. It can be as simple as drinking a glass of water, eating an apple or going for a walk. Just get of your ass and do something constructive.
  • Challenge your thinking. When you are feeling stuck, and that's all it is by the way, just a feeling but if you are feeling this way then typically you are resisting something in your now-moment. Usually what you resist is not the thing itself, but what you imagine about it. So, ask yourself, “What am I making up about this?”
  • Expand your awareness of what is possible. When you are stagnating, you have stopped being curious about possibilities. Expand your awareness of real, tangible potentials you have that can be acted upon with the time, energy and money you have right now. Explore the alternatives to what you are doing right now, and take care that you do not pre-judge a possibility before you have had a chance to investigate it.
  • Break your pattern! Feeling stuck and stagnant follows a pattern. Find the pattern in your thought process, your behaviour and your choices. Choose something in your pattern and do one small thing differently to change that pattern.
  • Do what you can do, one thing at a time. If you are feeling overwhelmed it probably means you’re taking on too much at once. You may not be able move a 500kg pallet of boxes, but you can probably lift and carry one 10kg box. Divide up the task at hand and do just what you can do right now.
  • Take care of yourself. Rest when you are tired. Eat when you are hungry. Get off your aching feet. Avoid medicating with alcohol, drugs or food. Don’t veg out in front of the television or lose yourself in cyber space. If you tend to over-function, the world won’t fall apart if you stop to look at a sunset, read a chapter in a good book or slip into a hot bath. Taking care of yourself also depends upon not responding to the needs of others when doing so puts your own self-care in jeopardy. 
You can of course also book a FREE 'Breakthrough to Fulfilment Discovery Session' with me. By doing this you will get a clear path of how you can start making the changes you desire right now. We will explore your biggest concerns and how we can fix them and we'll discuss your next steps and plan of action. After this session you will have renewed energy and motivation for creating your life your way.

Have an Empowered and Motivated Week

Much Love & Gratitude