Monday 2 June 2014

Feeling Stuck?

Feeling stuck feeling usually comes from three main reasons. Either you don’t know what you want next in your life or career or you know what you want but have no idea how to go after it or you feel trapped. Sometimes you just feel stuck and aren’t sure why.
Everybody feels stuck from time to time. The question is, how do you get yourself out of that rut?!

The following things can help..

  • Do something constructive. This can be something as crappy as washing up the dishes, making your bed or clearing a pile of clutter. It can be as simple as drinking a glass of water, eating an apple or going for a walk. Just get of your ass and do something constructive.
  • Challenge your thinking. When you are feeling stuck, and that's all it is by the way, just a feeling but if you are feeling this way then typically you are resisting something in your now-moment. Usually what you resist is not the thing itself, but what you imagine about it. So, ask yourself, “What am I making up about this?”
  • Expand your awareness of what is possible. When you are stagnating, you have stopped being curious about possibilities. Expand your awareness of real, tangible potentials you have that can be acted upon with the time, energy and money you have right now. Explore the alternatives to what you are doing right now, and take care that you do not pre-judge a possibility before you have had a chance to investigate it.
  • Break your pattern! Feeling stuck and stagnant follows a pattern. Find the pattern in your thought process, your behaviour and your choices. Choose something in your pattern and do one small thing differently to change that pattern.
  • Do what you can do, one thing at a time. If you are feeling overwhelmed it probably means you’re taking on too much at once. You may not be able move a 500kg pallet of boxes, but you can probably lift and carry one 10kg box. Divide up the task at hand and do just what you can do right now.
  • Take care of yourself. Rest when you are tired. Eat when you are hungry. Get off your aching feet. Avoid medicating with alcohol, drugs or food. Don’t veg out in front of the television or lose yourself in cyber space. If you tend to over-function, the world won’t fall apart if you stop to look at a sunset, read a chapter in a good book or slip into a hot bath. Taking care of yourself also depends upon not responding to the needs of others when doing so puts your own self-care in jeopardy. 
You can of course also book a FREE 'Breakthrough to Fulfilment Discovery Session' with me. By doing this you will get a clear path of how you can start making the changes you desire right now. We will explore your biggest concerns and how we can fix them and we'll discuss your next steps and plan of action. After this session you will have renewed energy and motivation for creating your life your way.

Have an Empowered and Motivated Week

Much Love & Gratitude

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