Tuesday 17 December 2013

How Meditation Music Helps You

Meditation music usually consists of instrumental pieces that help you while you meditate. It is effective because the music is designed to have a positive and peaceful tune to it. Sometimes, meditation music has the sound of birds chirping or the rush of a river in the background. This makes it easier for people who are meditating to feel detached from the immediate surroundings that they are in.

Detachment is an important part of meditation. It is only when you do not realize your own body and mind that you can get in touch with your soul. This can be difficult when you live in a busy metropolitan with the constant jar of traffic and the busy lifestyles of people around you. Music is only a tool to help you block out noisy surroundings.

In addition to a nice headset, you could consider disconnecting your phone lines while you meditate. Keep no appointments or important things to do. Meditate either early in the morning, or late at night. This way, your mind will not be preoccupied by other things. Early morning is the best time because this is when your body is completely fresh.

Meditation gives you energy. If you are dozing off while doing it, you are doing it wrong. Do not force yourself to meditate when you know you cannot. If you skip your session on one day, you could consider making up for it some other time. Try to meditate for at least five minutes each day.   

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