Tuesday 14 January 2014

How Running can Help You Find Yourself

Running gives you a way out. But it is not as simple as it seems. The first few attempts will most likely be disastrous. However getting started is rather easy. Just step out of your house without your cellphone or any money, and start running. Once you feel like you absolutely cannot go any further, turn back, and run towards your home.

This may sound torturous and  self-mutilating to you, but it is a great thing to do. Once you have successfully managed to run those extra miles, you will know how much it pays off. You do not have to strain yourself by going very fast. Even jogging the distance is perfectly acceptable.

The one-on-one session with yourself gives you a lot of time to wonder about things. Such introspection is needed. Also, when you are exerting, you will be pumped up and this rush of energy will not come down very easily. This means that even the saddening events of your life wont be able to hamper your spirits.

The more you run this way, the more you will start to find that everything is just how you allow yourself to think it is. When you have your blood rushing through your arteries and veins and have no way to get back, except to run more, you will feel liberated. Continue on your path, and take on the rest of the day. Give yourself time, and you will find who you are. 

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