Sunday 23 March 2014

How to get your 'Spark' back....

Every now and then, I'm going to pull a card out as inspiration for your post. Today that card is 'Spark' from The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid.
The message this brings is to let you know you have a spark of creativity in you, and every reason to move forward with optimism and hope.Open yourself to inspiration and allow life to show you it's beauty and your part in co-creating it. This is the perfect time to give birth to an idea, start a new relationship or job, or begin any endeavour. Attraction is high as you connect with others who can co-create joyous experiences and join with you in expressing the finer aspects of life. Watching a spark turn to a flame and stoking that fire is a gratifying activity.

Is there something you've been putting of which you really want to do? Do you have a list of things you want to get done but never seem to find the time?
Now is that time...make it happen! You don't have to do it all in one go. If it's something big, break it down into small steps and do it one step at a time. 

If you think you're having blocks or challenges with your creativity here are a few ways which can help you get back in the zone...

1 - Change your scenery. Get out of the house, go to the beach, or a park or even just into your garden.

2 - Play some music. I find a bit of classical or relaxation works best for this. Not to relaxing as you don't want to fall asleep.

3 - Keep it Simple. We tend to over think things and complicate them. Keep it simple and free.

4 - Connect with your Inner Child. Have you noticed how children play with total abandonment. Try this, take time to enjoy yourself and laugh often preferably one of those laughs which are hard to control and take a while to subside.

5 - Use your Imagination. Before started watching too much television and films, we used to make our own fun, we used to let our imagination run wild and have the best time ever. Books are good for this. Let your imagination run wild.

If you are having difficulty finding time to do the things you would love to do, or getting moving with projects you have had sitting on the fence for a while now. I am offering a FREE No Obligation Discovery Session, which will allow us to work together one on one and really get rid of those stubborn blocks and unlock your potential.

Have an Empowered and Creative Week.
Much Love

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