Tuesday 26 November 2013

Healthy Mornings Can Help Improve Your Day

Remember to always treat your body as a temple. If you do not care about your health, there is only so much you can do to improve your outlook towards life. If you take good care of your body, you will find that your mind will automatically be more restful.

Start your day with a positive attitude. Each day can bring a number of possibilities, and you should be ready for anything. Even if you are not planning to get out of your house, wake up early, brush your teeth, and take a shower.

Chalk out a routine for washing and shampooing your hair, shaving, and other such things. Always keep a little extra time for personal hygiene in the mornings. If you have the time, you may do a little exercise right before your bath.

Afterwards, eat a healthy breakfast. Avoid processed foods, or foods that are extremely fatty. Consider fresh fruits, milk or juice, and a sandwich made of whole-grain bread. Do not eat before you take a shower. The body’s blood rushes to the stomach to process food, and you may catch a cold while bathing.

Skipping breakfast in the mornings has become normal for most people. However, the body has not had any food for a good number of hours. The acid levels have built up, and you need food at this point. Instead of rushing through your mornings, sleep early and wake up early. Make this a habit even on weekends; it can significantly change your day.  

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