Sunday 6 April 2014

Do You Feel Worthy?

Self-esteem or Self-worth is your opinion of yourself. Everyone lacks confidence sometimes but people with low self-worth are unhappy or unsatisfied with themselves most of the time. Low self-worth can cause problems including depression and anxiety.
Do you find yourself self-criticising, do you doubt your own abilities and avoid challenges, maybe you push yourself too hard through your constant intent for things to be perfect. Maybe you're full of anger and bully others, or you could just be unkind to yourself, eating the wrong foods and not letting yourself do the things that give you the most joy. 

STOP!! Right now, if you ever catch yourself doing any of this, say to yourself STOP. You must be the most important person in your life. Give yourself some self-love. Focus on what is awesome and remarkable about you. When you truly care for yourself, you are more able to care for others and make a difference in their lives. Value yourself first and others will value you.

Here are a few things you can do to amp up your self-worth...

Self-esteem is strongly related to how you view and react to the things that happen in your life. 

1.   Talk to yourself in a positive way – treat yourself as you would your    best  friend. Be supportive, kind and understanding. Don’t be hard on  yourself  when you make a mistake.
2.   Challenge negative ‘self-talk’ – every time you criticise yourself, stop      and look for objective evidence that the criticism is true. You will realise    that most of your negative self-talk is unfounded.
3.   Don’t compare yourself to others – know that everyone is different.  Make an effort to accept yourself, warts and all.
4.   Acknowledge the positive – don’t brush off compliments, dismiss your  achievements as ‘dumb luck’ or ignore your positive traits.
5.  Appreciate your  awesomeness – remind yourself of your good points  every day. Write a list and refer to it often. (If you feel you can’t think of  anything good about yourself, ask a friend to help you write the list.)
6.   Let go of the past – concentrate on living in the here-and-now rather    than reliving old hurts and disappointments.
7.   Give yourself a positive message everyday – buy a set of ‘inspirational  cards’ and start each day reading out a new card and carrying the card’s    message with you all day.
8.   Stop worrying – ‘worry’ is simply fretting about something that hasn't    even happened. Accept that you can’t see or change the future and try to  keep your thoughts in the here-and-now.
9.   Have fun – schedule enjoyable events and activities into every week.
10.  Exercise – it is such a good boost to the brain for all kinds of things but    especially in combatting depression and helping you to feel good. 
11.  Be assertive – communicate your needs, wants, feelings, beliefs and    opinions to others in a direct and honest manner.
12.  Practise the above suggestions every day – it takes effort to replace  unhelpful thoughts and behaviours with healthier versions. Give yourself  time to establish the new habits. Keep a diary or journal to chart your  progress.

Have an Empowering & Worthy Week
Much Love & Gratitude

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